Step 1-
To create a prior year directory, follow the steps listed below:
- In KVS Payroll choose Processes > PR Backup/Restore
- Choose Backup > Year End
- Backup Year - Need to equal year being completed
- Make a note of the Backup Directory file path: this will be needed when creating the icon for the prior year. (The file path name will differ for each municipality).
- Click OK
- Once the backup is done verify "Number of Files Not Copied" = 0 (see screen shot highlighted in red on bottom of this page)
- If Not Copied is > 0
- It is ok to continue only if the file name listed on the text file start with PRQ
- If files listed are not PRQ files get every user out of KVS and repeat the steps until Not Copied = 0 or not copied start with just PRQ.

Step 2
KVS PR - Create Prior Year Icon
Creating a Windows Desktop Shortcut
- Right-click on the existing KVS shortcut and select Copy
- Right-click anywhere on the desktop and select PASTE
- This creates a copy of the original KVS shortcut on the desktop.
- Right-click the newly created shortcut and select RENAME.
- Type in the new name for the shortcut for example, Payroll 20XX
- Right-click the newly created shortcut and select PROPERTIES.
- On the shortcut tab, change the "Start In" directory path to reflect the new directory as described previously in the PRIOR YEAR BACKUP DIRECTORY field (for example, K:\KVS\PR20XX_MAS)
- Click APPLY and then OK to close the shortcut properties screen
- Double Click on the new icon and verify that a user can login
Creating a Remote Desktop / RemoteApp Shortcut:
To determine if you are using Remote Desktop or RemoteApp, right click on the icon and choose Edit The following images demonstrates what each application looks like.

Creating a RemoteAPP Shortcut - RemoteApp Shortcuts cannot be modified from the desktop. Please contact your IT system administrator to create a prior year shortcut.
Creating a Remote Desktop Shortcut:
- Right-click on the existing KVS shortcut and select Edit
- Click on the Programs Tab
- Change the "Start In" directory path to reflect the new directory as described previously in the PRIOR YEAR BACKUP DIRECTORY field (for example, D:\KVS\STANDARD\PR_20XX MAS)
- Click on the General Tab
- Click the "Save As" button
- Select the folder where you want to save the shortcut to
- Enter a New File Name -for example, PAYROLL 20XX

- Double Click on the new icon and verify that a user can login
Creating a Remote Desktop / RemoteApp Shortcut:
To determine if you are using Remote Desktop or RemoteApp, right click on the icon and choose Edit The following images demonstrates what each application looks like.

Creating a RemoteAPP Shortcut - RemoteApp Shortcuts cannot be modified from the desktop. Please contact your IT system administrator to create a prior year shortcut.
Creating a Remote Desktop Shortcut:
- Right-click on the existing KVS shortcut and select Edit
- Click on the Programs Tab
- Change the "Start In" directory path to reflect the new directory as described previously in the PRIOR YEAR BACKUP DIRECTORY field (for example, D:\KVS\STANDARD\PR_2020MAS)
- Click on the General Tab
- • Click the "Save As" button
- Select the folder where you want to save the shortcut to
- Enter a New File Name -for example, PAYROLL 20XX

- Double Click on the new icon and verify that a user can login
Step 3
KVS PR – Year End Clears
Follow these steps using the LIVE PR icon to complete the Year End Clears.
- Complete month-end and quarter-end procedures OR these can be done at a later time using the prior year icon
Calendar Year End Clear NOTE: The following must be done before starting the first Payroll of 2025.
- Run YTD/QTD/MTD Clear
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > YTD/QTD/MTD Clear
- Warning Prior Year Directory Should be Created, Continue?
- Click Yes - only if a prior year icon has been created
- Have Payroll Files Been Backed-Up
- Click Yes - only if a prior year icon has been created
- Reset Advance Earned Income Credit Flag on Employee Master file - Leave Checked
- Click OK
- This process is clearing the Earnings data, once complete will bring up form to clear deductions
- Choose YTD and QTD and MTD to clear deductions
- Update YTD Maximum Amount
- If not selected: Only clears the YTD field on each individual employee records and leaves the maximum amount
- If selected: Subtracts the amount of the YTD deduction from the maximum amount.
- Double Click on the deduction(s) that need to have the YTD Maximum Amount Updated
- For example, a garnishment that has a maximum amount to be withheld from the employee that could cross over 2 or more years
- Double Click on the deduction(s) that need to have the YTD Maximum Amount Updated
- Note: The “Update YTD Maximum Amount” field is only available when selecting Zero YTD and QTD and MTD
- Click OK
- Warning Prior Year Directory Should be Created, Continue?
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > YTD/QTD/MTD Clear
- Employee Paid Period Modify
- In your Live PR choose the F/M tab > Employee Pay Period Modify
- Have you Backed Up your Payroll Files?
- Click Yes only if you have a Backup
- Choose Clear Paid Period Fields
- This sets the number of Pay Periods field to zero
- Click OK
- Have you Backed Up your Payroll Files?
- In your Live PR choose the F/M tab > Employee Pay Period Modify
Fiscal Year End Clears:
Only run the following clears if January is the start of a new Fiscal Year.
If not the end of the fiscal year skip to Contract Year End Clears.
- YTD Fiscal Gross Clear
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > YTD Fiscal Gross Clear
- Have you Backed Up your Payroll Files?
- Click Yes only if you have a Backup
- Ok to Continue
- Click Yes to continue
- Initialize complete
- Click OK
- Have you Backed Up your Payroll Files?
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > YTD Fiscal Gross Clear
- Labor Distribution File Purge
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > Labor Distribution File Purge
- Have You Backed Up Your Files Y/N
- Answer Y only if you have a Backup
- Are You Sure You Want To Delete Labor Distribution File Y/N
- Answer Y to continue
- Once the process has completed the following will display
- ***** Labor Distribution File Deleted - Hit Any Key *****
- Have You Backed Up Your Files Y/N
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > Labor Distribution File Purge
Contract Year End Clear:
Only run the following clears if January is the start of a new Contract Year. If not the end of a contract year skip to Earnings Register
- • Contract Gross Clear
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > Contract Gross Clear
- Have you Backed Up your Payroll Files?
- Click Yes only if you have a Backup
- Ok to Continue
- Click Yes to continue
- Initialize complete
- Click OK
- In your Live PR choose the Clears/Purge Tab > Contract Gross Clear
Run Earnings Register:
Run this report to verify the QTD and YTD fields are .00. If it is not the end of a fiscal year or contract year these fields will still have amounts in them and that is OK. If any other heading has QTD and YTD amounts, the clears did not run and must be processed before starting first payroll of the year.
- In your Live PR choose Reports > Earnings Register
- Choose Summary Totals Only
- Choose Send to Queue
- Verify QTD & YTD fields are .00
YTD Retirement Clear:
Only run this clear if January is the Start of a new Retirement Year.
Note: NY clients should process this at end of March as the retirement year begins on April 1)
- Run the Retirement YTD Report
- In your Live PR choose > Reports > Retirement Reports > Retirement YTD Report
- Enter the date Range - Use the date range of the retirement year just ending
- Enter Retirement Contribution Number:
- For Regular Retirement Usually 2
- For Police/Fire Retirement Usually 5
- Enter Retirement Loan Number:
- For Regular Retirement Usually 3
- For Police/Fire Retirement Usually 6
- Enter Retirement Arrear Deduction Number
- For Regular Retirement Usually 4
- For Police/Fire Retirement Usually 7
- Enter Additional Retirement Contribution Number
- Only if applicable, enter if there is an additional retirement deduction number
- Enter Additional Retirement Arrear Deduction Number
- Only if applicable, enter if there is an additional retirement arrear deduction number
- Sort By:
- Enter N for Name
- Enter R for Registration Number
- Report Destination - Queue is recommended this way it is saved in the spooler if you ever need to go back to it
- This report could be needed for a retirement audit so please print and save it
- • Run the YTD Retirement Clear
- In your Live PR choose > Clears/Purge tab > YTD Retirement Clear
- Have Payroll Files been Backed Up?
- Click Yes to continue
- Employee Selection
- Regular Employees - Clears Employees with Deduction 2
- Teacher and/or Fire/Police - Clears Employees with Deduction 5
- All - Clears all employees regardless of what deduction number they have
- Click OK to Process Clears
Step 4
KVS PR - Update Tax Tables
The Federal can be imported into the system. This year NYS did not change and is using the same tables from 1/1/2023. All Other states and local taxes must be manually changed.
Links to Published Tax Tables:
NY State:
Link to 2023 NY State Tax Tables:
Downloading file and Importing Tax Tables
- Once the import is posted on Community website, follow the instructions to download file:
- PRIMPTAX2025 and save it to your Live KVS data directory (commonly called MAS)
- If File already exists overwrite and replace with new file
- PRIMPTAX2025 and save it to your Live KVS data directory (commonly called MAS)
- In your Live PR Choose Setup > Import Fed/State Tax Tables
- Tax Table Type = Federal
- Enter the Number on the Right to match the description of the box on the left. Not all boxes will have a number and not all boxes will be the same order.
- Enter filename to process: PRIMPTAX2025
- Click OK
- Ok to Begin Update - Click Yes to continue
- Once all tables have been updated, on the setup tab choose the federal and state tax table F/M and verify the changes match the new year tax tables (links to published tax tables are above)

Manually Updating State Tax Tables
To manually update state tax tables follow these steps
- In your Live PR choose Setup > State Tax Table F/M
- Enter State Code
- Choose Cycle
- Change values to equal your states values
- Click OK
- Repeat for all cycles you currently use
Manually Updating Local Tax Tables
To manually update local tax tables follow these steps
- In your Live PR choose Setup > Local Tax Table F/M
- Enter Local Code
- Choose either Married or Single
- Choose Cycle
- Change values to equal your local values
- Click OK
- Repeat for all cycles and statuses you currently use
Step 5
KVS PR - Benefit Transfer and Benefit Clears - Benefit Transfers and Benefit Clears should only be done when it is the end of a benefit year.
Benefit Transfers
Benefit Transfer is used to transfer remaining hours from one benefit code to another, such as remaining personal time being converted to sick time.
- Run a Benefit Report
- In the live PR, choose Reports > Benefit Report
- Click Benefit Selection
- Under Benefit Selection move all necessary codes over to the right column under “Benefit Codes To Include”
- Once All codes that need to be reported on are on the right Click Close
- Send to Queue o Click OK
- Once spooled the report will be in the spooler (PRQBENRG.###)
- • Backup payroll files
- Use the same method that is ran to backup files for each PR
- Transfer - only run this if you are transferring a remaining balance from 1 benefit code to another
- In the live PR, choose Clears/Purge > Benefit Transfer
- Have You Backed up Files PRBENAMA and PRAUDMA?
- Click Yes only if you have a backup
- Benefit to Clear - Enter the benefit code to be zeroed out
- Benefit to Update - Enter the benefit code to be updated with remaining amount from the benefit being cleared.
- Send to Queue
- Verify benefit Transfer Report in the spooler (PRQBTRAN.###)

Benefit Clears
- Run a Benefit Report
- In the live PR, choose Reports > Benefit Report
- Click Benefit Selection
- Under Benefit Selection move all necessary codes over to the right column under “Benefit Codes to Include”
- Once All codes that need to be reported on are on the right Click Close
- Send to Queue
- Click OK
- Once spooled the report will be in the spooler (PRQBENRG.###)
- Backup payroll files
- o Use the same method that is ran to backup files for each PR
- Clears: this option allows selected benefits to have the Accrued and Taken balances be zeroed out. If there is a remaining balance, it can be updated to the Beginning Balance
- In the live PR, choose Clears/Purge > Benefit Clears
- Have you Backed up?
- Click Yes only if you have a Backup
- The system automatically displays accrued and remaining benefit codes and descriptions based on Benefit F/M setup. Complete the screen for all benefits to be cleared.
- Initiate -
- Enter “Y” to clear (initialize) this benefit code; complete the next three fields
- Enter “N” to leave this benefit as is; it will not be cleared
- Max Carryover - Enter the maximum hours allowed to be carried forward to the new year. If no carryover is allowed, enter .00
- Update Beg Bal -
- Enter “Y” to update the beginning balance with the remaining hours (as the maximum field allows) and clears out the accrued and taken fields
- Enter “N” – beginning balance will not be updated.
- Clear Neg Bal -
- Enter “Y” to clear any negative balances
- Enter “N” if no negative balances will be cleared. Negative balances will be carried to the new year and be deducted from future accrued hours.
- Initiate -
- Send to Queue
- After completing the screen, Click OK
- OK To Begin Processing? - Click Yes when ready to continue
- Re-run the Benefit Report and verify that benefit codes have been correctly cleared
- Have you Backed up?
- In the live PR, choose Clears/Purge > Benefit Clears

In this Example:
- Sick - Will have the accrued and taken cleared, the remaining balance up to 999999 will be added to the beginning balance
- Vacation - Will have the accrued and taken cleared, the remaining balance up to 999999 will be added to the beginning balance
- Personal - Will have the accrued and taken cleared, nothing remaining will be transferred into the beginning balance
- Comp Time - Since Initiate is N nothing will happen
- Sick Bank - Since Initiate is N nothing will happen
- Family Sick - Since Initiate is N nothing will happen