New in 2024
Option on Forms to Print 2 Digit Year, 4 Digit Year, or No Year on the forms
Option to output E-file as a CSV for those that have an IRIS TCC code
Ordering Forms
We recommend purchasing forms from The Notable Corporation
- (716) 838-3900 (800) 724-2870
- Chrissi Tucker [email protected]
- Del Derschug [email protected]
Supported 1099's
For all forms, only order Copy A if you have fewer than 10 1099's
1099 INT - Interest
- 5120 - Federal Copy A
- 5121 - Recipient Copy B
- 5122 - Payer and/or State Copy C
1099 G - Certain Govt. Payments
- 5156 - Federal Copy A
- 5157 - Recipient Copy B
- 5158 - Payer and/or State Copy C
1099 MISC - Miscellaneous - Still needed for
- Rents Box 1
- Royalties Box 3
- Attorney Box 10
- 5110 - Federal Copy A
- 5111 - Recipient Copy B
- 5112 - Payer and/or State Copy C
1099 NEC- Non-Employee Compensation
- NEC5110 - Federal Copy A
- NEC5111 - Transferor Copy B
- NEC5112 - Filer and/or State Copy C
1099 S - Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions
- 5160 - Federal Copy A
- 5161 - Transferor Copy B
- 5162 - Filer and/or State Copy C
Vendor Setup
For each vendor that needs to have a 1099 form produced, the following needs to be setup.
To setup vendors to print a 1099 follow these steps:
- In the Purchasing module choose the Actions Tab >Vendor Master File
- Bring up vendor that needs to have 1099 info added
- Any of the search fields can be used
- Once the Vendor is displayed
On the General Tab
- Choose Appropriate 1099 Option
- Enter Federal ID/SSN
- For Class choose Business or Individual
On the 1099 Tab
- Enter appropriate 1099 code
- Enter Address Number
- Click Default -This will populate on all future vouchers
- Enter 1099 Year and YTD amount for all vouchers that have already been paid in the chosen year
KVS Enterprise - Running 1099 Forms and Reports
The KVS Enterprise AP module can produce the following 1099 Forms. All Forms are produced the same way.
- Miscellaneous Income - 1099 Misc
- Certain Government Payments - 1099 G
- Interest Income - 1099 INT
- Non-Employee Compensation - 1099 NEC
- Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions - 1099 S
To Print the 1099 Report
- Check Off Print 1099 Report
- 1099 Report Option> Choose an option:
- All - Prints all vendors regardless of 1099 setup
- Without 1099 Code/Address -only prints vendors without a 1099 code or 1099 address
- Don't Print a 1099 -only prints vendors set to not prints a 1099
- Print a 1099 -only prints vendors set to print a 1099
- Incomplete Federal ID only prints vendors set to incomplete Federal ID
Creating 1099 Electronic File
The KVS Enterprise AP module can produce the Electronic file for the following 1099 Forms. To create the Electronic file follow the steps below.
- Miscellaneous Income - 1099 Misc
- Certain Government Payments - 1099 G
- Interest Income - 1099 INT
- Non Employee Compensation - 1099 NEC
- Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions - 1099 S
Follow the steps below to create the 1099 File:
- Choose Purchasing > Processes > Create 1099 File
- File Format - Choose TXT if submitting to the FIRE system or CSV if submitting to the IRIS system.
- File Name - Click on Browse and choose a folder to save the file in. Assign it a name and click open
- Voucher Paid Year - Enter the year for which you are filing
- Federal ID - Enter the 9 digit Federal ID without the -
- Name Control -Enter the four character Payer Name Control assigned by the IRS
- State Code -Enter the numeric State Code which is to receive the 1099 information if approved to participate in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program
- Minimum Amount - Enter the minimum for 1099's, only vendors with a1099 YTD amount greater than the amount entered will be included on the file
- Transmitter Code -Enter the five alphanumeric character Transmitter Control Code (TCC) assigned by IRS/MCC
- Test File Yes/ No - Yes creates a test file and No creates the live file
- Contact Name- Enter the name of the person that should be contacted
- Contact Email - Enter the email address of the person that should be contacted
- Vendor Code -Leave blank unless refiling a 1099 file.
1099 Type Choose the 1099 type to create the file for
- ALL - Will create the file for all 1099 types Do not choose ALL for IRIS. IRIS clients are required to create a separate file for each type.
- G -Will create just the 1099 G file
- INT -Will create just the 1099 INT file
- MISC -Will create just the 1099 MISC file
- NEC -Will create just the 1099 NEC file
- S -Will create just the 1099 S file
- Review the 1099 report and verify it matches the 1099 report from the forms.