When a budget is posted with an incorrect or zero dollar amount follow these steps to correct.
- In Budget Prep choose Actions Tab> Budget Preparation, note the version of your budget.
- Click New Record
- Click on the Version Code dropdown and look for your version code (CITY, in this example). If there is no CITY2, click the new record and create CITY2. If a second version already exists, you can choose that rather than create new.

- Enter the new version code
- Enter correct year, period, and description if applicable
- Click Copy- A screen like the following will be displayed.

- At bottom of screen, Under Copy Budget Version enter the original version code and year that was used,
- Click Copy.
A new Budget will be created
- Choose the final stage from the dropdown and fix dollar amounts.

If Correct amounts are in another stage use Copy Stage Feature.
- Click Copy to display the copy features.

- Under Move Stage enter the correct Stage
- Under To Stage enter the final Stage
- Click Copy, once complete
- After the Final stage has the correct amounts, the new version can be adopted and posted