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RPS Create Collection

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The first step with Creating Collection from RPS is to save the files onto your system.  The files that are needed are RPS147D1 and RPS155D1 (or RPS157D1). These must be saved in the same directory where your collection files reside, such as mas or collect and they must be named with the above specific names.  NOTE:   You can either overwrite the existing files as the files are being saved or the files can be deleted before saving the new files.  The following are the files to delete:  RPS147D1, RPS155D1 (or RPS157D1), RPSCOLL and RPSRATES.

2 Cobol programs need to be run.  From the Logon Security screen, click on ‘Run Cobol’ and enter RPSRATE as the program name.  Click OK.

Enter RPS147D1 for the Input File Name.

Enter RPSRATES for the Output File Name.

Once this information is entered correctly, enter Y for Everything Okay.

This will display “Records Converted = ####    Press Any Key”.        

Press ‘Enter’

Click on ‘Run Cobol’ again and enter RPSCOLL1 as the program name.  Click OK.

Enter RPS155D1 (or RPS157D1) for the Input File Name.

Enter RPSCOLL for the Output File Name.

Once this information is entered correctly, enter Y for Everything Okay.

This will display “Records Converted = #####   Press Any Key”

  • Please note: The records converted will be the number of bills that you have, times 2.

Press ‘Enter’

Now we need to create the RPS rate file report.Go to the Collection Menu.

Select option (500) Additional Processes

Select option (501) Create Collection

Have You Backed up Your Collection Files?   

Most municipalities backup every night.  If files needed to be restored, would your last municipalities backup be sufficient? 

If so, answer Yes.  

If not, have everyone exit out of collection and have your IT department backup your files.

Run Rate Report Only?  Y

Report To <P>rinter or <Q>ueue?  Q

Go to the spooler and print TCQCREA1.###         (### is a 3 digit number that the system assigns)

This contains the purpose codes and the other taxables (otx codes) that are being billed and need to be setup in the rate file.

Now the Rate File needs to be created for the new year and sequence.  Go to the Collection Menu.  

Select option (400) System Setup.

Select option (403) Rate File

Select option (001) Roll Extract Information and the year and sequence that you are now billing for.

This will prompt: 

Do You Wish To Create A New Entry? (Y/N)    enter  Y

              Do You Wish To Copy Another Year/Sequence?  (Y/N)    enter Y

              Year: _____     Sequence:___           

             Enter last years ‘Year’ and the same sequence you are now billing for.

For example:  The new bills are year 2014 and sequence 01 so here enter 2013 for year and 01 for sequence.

              Everything Okay?     Enter Y if everything entered is correct. 

The following screen will appear.

The only fields that should need to be changed are possibly the Roll Heading, the Taxable Status Date and the Master Fiscal Year.

If the Roll Heading contains a year, change to reflect this year’s tax roll year.

Change the Taxable Status Date and the Master Fiscal Year to reflect the year for this year’s tax roll year.

Enter through the rest of the fields on this screen and on the next screen. 

Everything Okay?  Y   

 This will return you back to the Rate File Menu. 

 Now enter option (002) Roll Computation Information and the same Year/Sequence.

 The following screen will appear:

Change the Full Payment Due Date and the Payment 1 through 4 Due Dates that pertain to your tax bill. The Full Payment Due Date should be the same as the Payment 1 Due Date unless you offer a full payment date different from the Payment 1 Due Date and the bill has at least 2 or more installments.

All other fields can be left as it was from last year.

Enter through the remaining prompts and answer Y for Everything Okay?

This will return you back to the Rate File Menu. 

Now enter option (007) Rates and Descriptions and enter through the already entered Year/Sequence.

The following screen will appear:

Press ‘enter’ so the first Purpose Code already setup appears.

Make sure all purposes and other taxables that are on the report printed from Create Collection are in here.  This is extremely important.  It is okay if there are additional purposes in here that are not on the report. 

If the purpose code on the report is found in the rate file, use F2 Modify to change the rate and the description if it needs to be changed.

All other options can be left as it was last year.

We copied from last year, so the GL account numbers for this new year and sequence will be the same as last years. 

If the GL account numbers do not need to be changed, answer No to this question. 

If these need to be changed, answer Yes to “Create/Modify GR Receipt Type (Y/N)?”.  This will take you to the following screen:

Enter (04)Modify Detail and then M for Modify This Screen. 

Enter the correct general ledger account numbers. 

Enter E for exit.   

This will return you to Rates & Descriptions

Everything Okay?  Answer Yes. 

Use F4 Next to view the next purpose.  If it needs to be changed, press <F2> Modify and follow the previous steps.

Once all purposes and otx codes from the report are now in the rate file, use the <esc> key to go back to the Collection Menu.

Select option (500) Additional Processes

Select option (501) Create Collection

Have You Backed up Your Collection Files?   

Most municipalities backup every night.  If files needed to be restored, would your last municipalities backup be sufficient? 

If so, answer Yes.  

If not, have everyone exit out of collection and have your IT department backup your files.

Run Rate Report Only?  N

Trans Date:     __/__/____           Enter the transaction date you want to update to collection and general ledger.    

                                                          For example, if running village tax bills in May of 2014, the transaction date should be 06/01/2014 because this is the beginning of the fiscal year and this is when general ledger recognize these taxes.

Batch #:     This can be anything that you wish to use 

User Id:      This will default to your logon username.

Year:     This is the year you’ve processed the tax roll for.

Seq:      This is the sequence you’ve processed the tax roll for.

Muni Codes:      This can be left blank to update all municipal codes.  If for some reason the RPS files contain other bills for municipal codes that don’t pertain to you, enter the exact codes that need to be updated.    

Report To <P>rinter or <Q>ueue?  Q       Always select queue.

Go to the spooler and print TCQCREA2.###         (### is a 3 digit number that the system assigns)

This report contains any issues while updating.  Many times it has to do with addresses.  These can be corrected by going into option (020) File Maintenance.

We now need to balance this year and sequence to your RPS tax roll totals.

<Esc> back to the collection menu. 

Select option (100) Reporting

Select option (106) Trial Balance

Enter a Report Name, such as BALANCE.

If it exists,  press F2 – Modify

If it doesn’t exist,  it will prompt:  Do You Wish To Add?  Enter   Y

Output to Printer or Queue?  Enter Q

Years to Process For:   Enter the year of “Year and Sequence” that the bills were just created for, such as 2014

Sequences To Process For:   Enter the sequence of the “Year and Sequence” that the bills were just created for, such as 01.

From Date – To Date.  Enter the transaction date that was used during Create Collection, in both of the fields.

Total By Date?  N

Total By Month?  N

Print Grand Totals?  Y

Additional Types to Print In Charge Column?  Leave blank

Print Fee Charges <C>harge Column or <A>djustment Column?   Enter   C

Everything Okay?   Enter Y, if all entries are ok.

 On the next screen, it will list all the purpose codes associated with the year and sequence entered.   Enter Y for all of them.

Everything Okay?   Enter Y, if all entries are ok.

Start Processing Now?  Enter Y.

Once this report is done processing, go to the spooler and print out the report.  The name is TCQTRIAL.###

If this report balances to your RPS Tax Roll, and you do not update to general ledger, everything is complete.

If it balances, and you do update to general ledger, follow your regular steps to update the charges into general ledger.

If it does not balance, please call KVS support.

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