SB KVS Help Center

NYS AUD Alt Sort Setup

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Instructions for setting up Alt Sort Values used by NYS AUD File Export

1. Check to see whether or not the setup has already been done on your database. 

  • Go to Chart of Accounts, select an Expense account, and go to Alt Sort tab.
  • If you have values for Sort Codes GROUP, AUDTYPE, NYUSA then initial setup is complete,  proceed to AUD verify setup and created file export.doc; otherwise, continue with instructions below

2. Create Alt Sort Values (General Ledger/Setup Tab/Alternate Sort)A. Add new Alt Sort code AUDTYPE (use next available Sort No.) entering all of the value codes and descriptions exactly as listed below.

B. KVS will run scripts on your database to update these values to your accounts. 

Contact KVS to review your account structure and the appropriate scripts will be sent based on your setup. To ensure that the correct scripts are run, you will need to provide KVS with the following information:

  • Sort No. for Sort Code AUDTYPE
  • Fund code in KVS - numeric or alpha
  • If using numeric fund codes, fund code(s) that correspond to funds TA and/or TE.
  • Account structure - fund.dept.item… or fund.item… 

C.   NYUSA Code – Add new Alt Sort code (use next available Sort No.) with description NYSUSA CODE1. Use Copy Comp button at bottom to add values for each account type (Asset, Liability, Fund Balance, Revenue, and Expense).

  • If you utilize the 2nd component as your control (item) – you will use this component for all account types.
  • If you utilize the 3rd component as your control (item) – you will use the 3rd component for all non-expense types and the 2nd component for Acct Type = Expense.
  • Check Create Alt Sort Value and Suppress Leading Zeroes  

Note:  This will also update the Alt Sort values on GL accounts in Chart of Accounts. 

C. Non-standard fund codes

D. If you use non-standard fund codes (such as H01, H02, H03 or 001, 002,003), you will need to use the Alt Fund field on the fund (GL Setup Tab>Components: Fund) to specify the fund code used for reporting. 

E. Non-standard account codes:

Modify the alt sort values of any individual accounts that need to be reported with a different value.  Example:

A.0000.0200 NYSUSA code 200

A.0000.0205 NYSUSA code 200

A.0000.0210 NYSUSA code 210

This would add the value of A.0000.0200 and A.0000.0205 together and report the total to the A.200 AUD value. 

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