SB KVS Help Center

Next Check Number Incorrect

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The default Number that auto loads is the lowest number that can be used. (It is possible when a manual check was created, an incorrect check number was used). To verify who had the last check number, run the Payroll Check Listing Report. This will show who had the last check number issued.

To Run the Check Listing report follow these steps:

  • Choose PR > Processes > Check Reconciliation > Print Check Listing
  • Under Print By choose Range of Checks
  • In Check number Range choose 1 - 999999
  • Send to the queue

This will show who the incorrect check was issued to.

To Fix follow these steps:

  • Go in the data directory- typically MAS
  • Right click on File > choose Rename
  • Rename file to PRCHCKMA.MMDDYY
  • Go back into spool checks 
    • When going into spool checks the check number will start with 000001 overwrite to be the next good starting check number
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