SB KVS Help Center

Deleting A Voucher

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Vouchers with Status = Open, Held or Encumbered can be deleted/unreceived by selecting the Remove option from the Record menu when the cursor is positioned in any data field on the voucher’s Header screen.

  • Go to Purchasing > Actions > Voucher
  • Locate the voucher to be deleted and access the Header screen of the voucher
  • Click Record from the Menu bar and select Remove
  • The Delete Voucher screen displays for selection of the deletion options:


  • Delete Asset
  • Retain Asset

If fixed asset records were created from the voucher, select whether those assets are to be deleted or retained when the voucher is deleted.  


  • Use Expense Account
  • Use Refund Prior Yr Account 

When a prior year voucher is deleted, indicate which General Ledger account should be used for the reversing entry. Select "Use Expense Account" to credit the detail line expense accounts of the voucher. Or, select "Use Refund Prior Yr Account" to credit the Refund Prior Year Expense revenue account for the funds indicated on the detail line expense accounts of the voucher.

  • The account set up as Refund Prior Year Expense can be found in General Ledger > Setup > General Ledger Profile > Parameter > Account tab > Refund Prior Yr field, or General Ledger > Setup > Components: Fund. Choose the fund in question and go to Fund Accounts > Refund Prior Yr Expense field.
  • The reversing entry will automatically debit the AP Account for the funds indicated on the detail line expense accounts of the voucher.


  • Indicates the Fiscal Year the voucher deletion will be posted to the General Ledger. Enter or select an open fiscal year in which this voucher deletion is posted. Only an open fiscal year that is greater than or equal to the Year on the Voucher Header screen is valid.


  • Indicates the Period the voucher deletion will be posted to the General Ledger.  Enter or select an open calendar period in which this voucher deletion is posted. Only a fiscal period that is greater than or equal to the Period for the specified Year on the Voucher Header screen is valid.

GL Date

  • Indicates the GL Date the deletion will be posted to the General Ledger. This field defaults to the current system date when deleting a voucher and can be changed to a different date in which this deletion is to be posted. 
  • Click the Delete button to delete the voucher. If the voucher is not to be deleted click the Cancel button.
  • Click the OK button in the delete message, for example: KVS-00329: Voucher 8577 successfully deleted.
  • Deleted vouchers are retained in the system for reference purposes. To view deleted vouchers, in the Voucher Search screen set Mode = Deleted and enter other desired selection criteria then click the Show button. Deleted vouchers matching the search criteria will display. Click the row selector button for the desired voucher to view. The upper right hand corner of the voucher module displays: DELETED when viewing a deleted voucher. 
  • Deleted vouchers cannot be modified, paid, or undeleted. Drill down to deleted vouchers is also available when viewing voucher ledger transactions in the Chart of Accounts, Account Ledger, and Journal Entry modules.
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