The following are instructions on how to cancel a Purchase Order:
- In Purchasing choose > Processes > Purchase Orders
- Input Search Criteria to find Purchase Order
- Click Show
- If search brings back multiple PO’s click on the row selector to choose the desired PO
- Once in the Purchase Order you want to cancel click on the detail tab
- Click the “R” check box next to the row(s) you want to cancel

The following screen displays

- Under the Cancelled Row enter positive amounts
- Qty - Enter the Cancelled Qty (only use if a quantity was used on the PO)
- Ext Cost - Enter the amount you wish to cancel.
- Cancelled Year – Enter the GL year you want to show the item cancelled
- Period - Enter the GL period you want to show the item cancelled
- GL Date - Enter the GL Date you want to show the item cancelled
- Click Ok
- Repeat for all lines items you want to cancel
Click Save when finished